Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Theory = Proven

Too many blogolicious things happened today.

1. You know how life is a little funny and a little unfair? Well, today, I just participated in proving something about life: When a girl is taken and happy, all her ex-prospects pop up again, unexpectedly.

Case and point: Mtt Brtt. A guy I went on 1.5 dates with, and who promptly blew me off with neither style, nor class. I pined and sighed over him for a number of months; regretting my eagerness, regretting who I was a little bit. I reacted this way because, I didn't see him coming, and I wasn't prepared for his reaction to me. The thing that got me out of that funk was Vncnt.

Today while I was at the 15 minute computers going to print something, I spot him from the corner of my eye while going in his direction. I avoided eye contact, fumbled with my scarf to make it less obvious that I was trying to avoid him, but eventually, he blocked my path, and forced conversation. I was a little uncomfortable. I didn't feel like talking to him at all. I didn't feel like updating him on life, recommending good movies, asking what he was up to. I sort of did, but he pretty much has to rip it out of me. I felt aloof, but annoyed. All I wanted to do was brush him off.

It's funny. I left the conversation ("Yeah, I'm sure we'll bump into each other again!") called Vnss. I felt so relieved nothing developed with this guy. What a square! and not in an interesting way.

Later in the day I went to my class. P was working with his editor so we met up there. Although I didn't really express it, I was really happy to see him (I get so serious in class). He scratched my leg, I smiled and scratched his arm. During the movie (Tarkovsky's Stalker) he took my hand. I like how he likes hands. I gave him some chocolates, he gave me some fruit, all I wanted to do was hug him.

He has begun introducing me to his friends. Today, he introduced me to Mxm and Stphn (the nice guy from a previous post). I felt a little awkward, but good too. His friends seem really nice, smart and interesting. I am sort of continually shocked, amazed and delighted that I am 'with', 'next to', 'around', 'seen with' P. It feels like magic.

We left class with his friends, Mxm and Stphn. When we got to the metro, he went to his bus and Mxm and I went to the metro. I was like 'eeeee' in my head, 'oh no! I have to make conversation', but I did. It was relatively smooth, I guess. When we were waiting for the metro, who shows up but none other than Ex-Prospect-of-Late-2008: Nantucket. He taps my shoulder while I'm not looking, and I turn around and do the same. I introduce the boys to each other and we hop on the metro. (I know I'm getting off in two stops, so I'm not super concerned about making conversation -- I could deal with standing around quietly/awkwardly in the metro with these two guys) We talk about this thing at school, Hexagram, because there's an add for it. We make jokes and laugh, and then Nantucket tells me he's editing a picture of me and Mchl (I asked him for a copy) for a grant application. Then we get to my stop and I say: "this is me, see ya" and hop off.

I felt funny and good about leaving these two interesting strangers together for the remainder of their metro ride.

I get home, go on g-chat and this is how it went down. (I post this conversation because it's one of the sweetest I've ever had. Furthermore, I'm trying to stop only talking/posting about negative things to reduce my negative thoughts/energy.)

A little dilemma: What is an acceptable term of endearment for a guy? Is it too early for that? As you'll notice, he says nice things like: 'ma belle' and 'ma chère' which I find totally acceptable. I called him Sweet P once, because his name is P, and I called him 'P' once. But suddenly I feel like Sweet P is too much. I think I will come back to that one, because that's the one I conjured up instinctively, but I'm open to suggestions.


Anonymous said...

should you be posting these intimate conversations online for all your friends to see... There is obviously no rule about this because of its ultra modernity (we are making the rules) but wathever happened to privacy. Oh, the shame. And your forgeting this prospect. Teradactile, the queen of beasts, the flyer of flyers, the lizard of birds, I am the king!!!

Adèle said...

I don't find it problematic to share how nice and lovely is. You'll notice I omitted truly intimate details.

The solution to this problem is the following: If you don't want to know, don't read the blog!

Lily said...

Adele, I love you. You know I do. But that conversation was so long and saccharine that the details couldn't possibly interest anyone besides the writer. I only stopped scanning once I caught sight of "Entre les murs," which I saw the other day. What a lovely movie about the boundaries of pedagogy and punishment.

Having said that, I'm still going to read your delicious ramblings until the end of the time.