Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Je t'adore"

So I've been feeling like I'm the road to love. I've also been worrying a little bit about the act of saying 'I love you' to someone. By worrying I mean, reconsidering how/when to do it.

As far as I can tell right now, post-coital I love yous are not usually a good idea in burgeoning relationships. Such declarations reek with ambiguity.
P said something very sweet to me the yesterday. Not I love you, but something more appropriate, which is better. I didn't really know what to respond, so I didn't. He's so sincere, and wonderful, and smart, and awesome.
I know I've used this picture before, but it illustrates perfectly how I feel :

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Don't respond to this. It's my brain talking.

You know when you're holding something that you were going to set down, but as you're setting it down it falls out of your hands before you were ready? Sometimes it breaks and sometimes it just makes a loud noise.

I feel like that right now. I feel like i'm falling in love, but I wasn't ready for that to happen yet. Because this time it's different and usually when i fall in love it's all dramatic and life changing. This time it's calm and progressive, but even so, I feel like i've started down that road..

The best thing that could happen is that P would tell me he is too.. then I wouldn't feel scared or unprepared like I do.

That must be what falling in love feels like.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Had a conversation with Sm about posting gchats. Although I do like doing it because it saves time and gives the full (ie. unbiased) scoop on these craze/sweet conversations I have, I should have the decency to respect my conversation partner who is unaware they may be posted later. It's a fair comment. I can respect it.

I still feel like my brain is not working. I'm not excercising. I get confused about dates. I feel like I don't know what's going on anymore in my life. I have to remember:

Sleep + Excercise + Eat Well + Do your work + Let go of stress.

Be happy + Thank friends for always being there.