Sunday, November 30, 2008

Spontaneous Heart Combustion

I don't know what it feels like for real, but every time I read these conversations, or even some of my more désespéré past posts, it feels close to heart failure. I feel like I lose the rhythm of the sentences. The words break off and lose their meaning. I find myself unable to understand them or to use them to communicate. Maybe it's closer to being in a foreign country and not knowing the language.

Either way, this is the conversation I had with Vncnt that made me say: "I can't do this anymore"

The reason I didn't respond is because I was unable to muster anything. What I really wanted to say was: "I wish you would just tell me to fuck off", but that's precisely why I couldn't type it.

So, I'm not sure if it's as simple as this, but I don't want to talk about him, hear about him, or write about him anymore.

I'm done.

Andy Williams is my last consolation.. but really, he's only making things worse right now.


Lily said...

Sometimes, it only takes une petite blague to make sense of everything.

And that recipe sounds delish!

Lily said...

Oh, and forget Andy Williams. Go for old school Mariah Carey. Serious tears. Then follow up with two shots of Edit Piaf because I dare you not to feel better after "Non je ne regrette rien."