Sunday, October 18, 2009

Strong Reactions: Honest or Rude?

Is it possible to have a strong reaction to something you don't care about?

P reacted with disgust and almost insult when he saw that L sent me an email an Ex-in-the-making wrote to her. Basically this guy was playing the hot and cold card with her, and she wanted some advice about how to handle it. He said something like 'ahhhrg stupid, fuc -- silence -- girls' followed by 'i love you'. I said, 'fine, I'm won't tell you about it' and he responded sharply 'I don't want to hear about it'. I shrugged it off and continued my email to her.

I know I shouldn't expect him to understand how girls think... much less about how sometimes they need support, another perspective, about how being heartbroken hurts and having someone talk about how hard it is for them to have dumped you hurts even more. But I think he should have some decency about how he reacts to it. He said 'don't do that with my emails!' I said, 'I don't!' I felt like it was personal.I felt like he was thinking something negative towards girls who need their girlfriend's advice.

I feel like I want to bring this up again... as some kind of solidarity act, but part of me is afraid to bring the topic up (fear of rocking the boat, of course)...

At the same time, I think I should just let it go. I can't blame him for not understanding.

I think it would be wise if I let this go. I have to remember that Ermerson quote...

1 comment:

Lily said...

Let's pretend we're in a different universe for a moment where I am you and he's dating me.

"Shut the fuck up, P. Be a dick someplace else."

Okay. I feel better :)