Wednesday, March 23, 2011

it's about time

Wow... no posts for the past 20 days...

I even thought about retiring this little old blog.. it made me sad to think that I had reached a point that I wanted to avoid my thoughts. So I decided not to retire it, and somehow, here I am.

A lot has happened in the last 20 days. P and I are still together. We broke up temporarily for one night, but went back on our decision. There's something holding us together, i'm sort of struggling to figure out what it is, and sort of okay with not knowing.

All of my thoughts and feelings these days are dictated by this incredible stress i'm feeling about school...

So much stress I can't even really articulate thoughts anymore. So far it has just affected my brain, not my attitude.

More on this.. in small doses.


teradactile said...

I was yearning for blogging. On stress. relax. they're only grades. Do you care that much if you don't do a PhD? It would be better for you not to if school causes you so much stress. I had a paper due on Tuesday. I'm going to finish it sometimes today (probably late at night). I'm probably wrong, but happy doing it.

Anonymous said...

I think you are swell !