Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Few Reasons Why This is Something

You know how I'm always caught up on details? How I amplify them to super important life changing signals? I'm going to list all the details that, to me, make my relationship with P outta this world (or better yet totally of my world) because it continues to shock me in a good way. Here goes:

1. I spotted him in the library two years ago, and totally noticed him. He was reading the 7th edition of Bordwell/Thompson's Film Art and I thought to myself: "How cool would it be to study film?" (because at this time I was still studying English). Over the next two years I would see him sporadically at school, 2 times I remember specifically, including one time this year when I walked behind him in the EV building.

2. He's in my Film Directors class. I was shocked and delighted to see him there, so I would sit in front of him and his friends, or behind them. I would listen in whenever he would talk, which wasn't often. He sat next to me once, I noticed he wasn't really taking notes and checked his phone at some point. I was sort of irritated, but mostly, I was sad when he didn't come back after the break.

3. Saw him at the first CSA party. Did some mildly stalker-y research and went to the third CSA party precisely because he was going. (See post to know how that turned out.)

4. At the CSA party, I told him I spotted him two years ago and he didn't go running for the hills. I didn't tell him about the stalker-y research, but who needs to know?

5. Our first date he brought me to a super awesome art show that was totally my taste. When we went to the coffee shop after, he wanted hot chocolate when I wanted hot chocolate.

6. He responds to my weird nicknames. I've called him 'bub' a few times, and he has called me 'bub' a few times.

7. He does instant research (like I do) on things we g-chat about: I mentioned a film (Nobody Waved Goodbye) and he found the whole thing online!

8. He makes funny sounds (like I do) online and in person: meep moop, blee blohblah, etc.

9. I ask his questions and he asks my questions before we ask them.

10. He said: 'later gator' which I say all the time, and have for years.

11. He called me 'silly goose' which Irn calls me at work.

12. He's sweet and didn't react weirdly to my weird 'I-feel-bad-about-not-sitting-with-his-friends' thing.

13. The day we were going to have the picnic we were talking on the phone and he was saying he was talking to someone about places to eat or go or something and he said we should go to the 11th floor of the EV building, and that's where I was thinking of going!

14. Tonight before our class we were going to hang out, he called me from a café, none other than Presse Café on St-Cat, the café I was thinking of inviting him to, and the café I used to go to everyday last year.

That's it for now, but geez, being with him is a little intense.. in a good way. That being said, I have a sort of funny story, which i hesitate to post, fearing that he will ever see this blog.. but whatever.

So we get to class, we sit together one seat away from one of his friends (I was glad, it was one of his friends who looked really nice). During the movie I smelled an orange being peeled. I was like 'Dammit.. I wish I had an orange' a few minutes later, P nudges my hand. I smile and peek at him through the corner of my eye. He nudges again, I go to take his hand, and feel a soft thing in his fingers, an orange! It was so sweet (his gesture and the orange). This wasn't enough to curb my appetite though.. then I started thinking, 'I wonder if he's going to invite me to his house after class?' then I thought, 'man... I could really go for some big mac right now'. For the rest of the film, my thoughts oscillated between 'wow! The Mirror is awesome!' and 'Oh geez.. I really want a big mac'.

I'm a little bit embarrassed about my love of big macs, so inviting him to come with me was not really an option.

Then we walk to the metro and I'm like 'So...' and he's like 'so...' and I say 'So.. I'll see you Sunday' and he said 'Sunday. Yeah' -- I invited him to Phl's jazz show sunday.

There was a weird moment when his friends walked by, in three separate groups. They all said 'byyyye Pppp' like 'oooh he's talking to a giiiirl' or something. I have mixed feelings about this position I'm currently occupying: the gf nobody knows. Am I really his gf then? Anyway, this is a whole other post in and of itself.

We said bye and I slowly walked down the stairs as he crossed the room to go catch his bus. I went into the metro, stood around for about 20 seconds, then slowly walked up the stairs again, and sneaked off to McDnld's. I felt like I was in a movie. I was afraid I would turn a corner and he would be there, or his friends would see me and tell him or something. It was pretty funny in my head.

I find it weird to say this about P, because I feel like he's more honestly unique than any guy I've met in a long time, but... he's totally LIKE me(!) which suits me, because I'm so narcissistic.

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