Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sealing my Fate

I woke up this morning at 9.05. Aquafit starts at 9.00. I've shown up late before, it's not a big deal. I don't understand why I am unable to get my ass out of bed to go do some fun excercise when I know not doing it will just discourage me and make me feel guilty.

Before (upon my return from the Maritimes), I was sleeping so well. I decided to take the pressure out of waking up and falling asleep by not using an alarm (except when really needed). Last night and the few nights before I did not sleep well, and woke up tired. Compounded by the fact that now I have these walking commitments with Vncnt -- I feel like the pressure's back. Don't get me wrong, these are some of the nicest, more honest moments I've had with Vncnt since the beginning of our friendship. But knowing that I have to be somewhere at a specific time is jumbling my sleep. I may have to bring this up.

Right now, I'm watching this animated video on the the history of the internet. Interesting.

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