Monday, January 12, 2009

"Having My Cake...

...and eating it too" as Vnss and Lv would say.

So far, everything with P has been going really well. He continues to surprise me in wonderful ways every time we see each other.

The issue with Vncnt has pretty much been resolved.. I guess. I don't think about it too much, which is probably for the best, and we continue to see each other and chat. The only thing I'm worried about is neglecting him. My worry subsides when I remember that P's got a bunch of stuff going on in his life, so mine doesn't get boulversé completely. This juggling act worries me, but I'm also busy enough with school to not let it blow out of proportion.

So far, school is awesome. I got my Film History Take-Home exam back and I got an A on the part that mattered the most to me (the Brakhage bit). Now when I introduce Brakhage to P this weekend, I'll be confident in what I'm saying. My Chinese Cinema class with P. Rist will also be awesome. School is just awesome in general.

I'm having a picnic with P on wednesday before class. I was thinking about how often we should see each other in a week ie. what's an acceptable/realistic minimum, and now that I think about his and my schedule it seems we'll only be able to see each other twice per week (three at best) if he agrees. This seems good for me. I worry that things will get ruined if things go too fast. Right now I'm just enjoying getting to know him, I'm not ready to let the past and the future intrude on our present.

In the meantime, I'm going to bed when I'm tired, waking up when I'm not, and feeling good in general.

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