Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm done. School is done. My final paper was a bust, but it's over and I can be happy about that.

I have a wicked cough scrapping my throat. The ginger tea Jol prepared me is soothing it.

So, I called the New Guy on Tuesday night, we made plans for Wednesday night after work. He was somewhere with his friends (so there was some noise in the background), but he said, 'I'll send you the google maps if you need directions', so I quickly said, 'oh my email's my first name dot my last name at gmail' and the next day, not only did I have an email, but I had an email with a google map link from the nearest metro stop to my house (which was only mentioned in passing) to his house, with additional details. I thought that was so sweet. I wrote his back that I would be there with bells on.

So, I got out of work a little later than hoped, and walked over to his house (25 minutes). Went up to his place to find this beautiful cozy apartment with pictures on the walls and old cameras in a display alcove. It was really put together, and I told him so. He said it was his aspiring-interior-decorator mother who was responsible.

So he had the food ready to go, he made his favourite thing to eat: stuffed coquille with cheese and tomatoes and salad. Then to my surprise, he also planned for brownies (!), which I don't even remember mentioning in any serious way. Needless to say, I was impressed. We talked and laughed about films for the most part. Then I brought my light meter to ask him if it worked. We got on the couch near the light and then he explained how it worked. I met his best friend, Jrdn, who seems really nice.

He has this very young way of behaving sometimes. Like.. sitting on the couch right next to me, putting his arm around me, stuff that I would think would repulse me I found sweet.

How is it possible for such nice people to exist? When I look out of my cocoon, I almost always find people who are genuinely nice.

Anyway, he showed me some of his early films and they were good. He also showed me some bits of his last film which looks impressive. My eyes are opening to filmmaking in a way that couldn't be done in class. Maybe it's all the technical jargon, but either way, it's fascinating.

I really like him. I feel calm about it. It's so simple. (Watch me complicate the hell out of this one.) He seems really smart and funny and I want to see him again.

I can't wait to go home, do nothing but watch movies and lie around on the couch. (Sidenote: This cough is killing me.)

I told Vncnt I went on a date and that it went really well. We had a good conversation about our friendship, where we are now, the fact that I'm scared that seeing V, or what he may say will have an effect on how I am with the New Guy. He confessed that he was scared I won't have time for him anymore.

This is going to be quite a balancing act.

1 comment:

Lily said...

So ... V's scared you won't have time to put up with his bullshit?

I'd be scared, too.

Play on, player. The new boy sounds great.

Now I want a stuffed coquille ...