Monday, December 22, 2008

Tall Boots!

(** This is an old post I didn't publish right away)
Still nothing in the grades department. This is particularly irritating.

I'm pretty worried about my Film Script Analysis paper.. I almost feel like saying: "Can you just give me the credits but not a grade..." I don't know if that's possible, but I wish it would be. I know it shouldn't have an effect, but bombing this class has made me think I might not be suited for graduate studies. I had a golden opportunity to do something really cool in her class, and I'm not sure I will have succeeded. It's not a good feeling.

In other news, Vncnt is in the middle of reconsidering his 3 year PhD at Oxford. He's thinking 1.5 years in Lay instead. We had a long gchat conversation about our current situation, and it turns out, he's more jealous than I thought. I feel good and bad simultaneoulsy. I didn't see him for the few weeks preceding his departure, and won't see him until my arrival. But.. I miss him.. a lot.

I suppose if there's nothing much to report, I shouldn't force any posts. I've been really busy, but with things that aren't extremely close to me (saying goodbye to old roommates, etc.).

I feel lucky though, that I have so many wonderful people around me right now.

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