Monday, January 31, 2011


More photoshop playing...



I get it, I get it, I get it. I think..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Understanding

I finally understand why my blog looks so different (read: not as cool) than other blogs.

Enter: Canon 7D.

Eureka! It's all in the camera. Now I understand how those shallow-focus, slightly over-exposed pictures that I find so beautiful are taken!

Okay, so my pictures aren't that pretty (besides the pretty content), but I see the potential of the camera!

I managed to get P to see that the true purpose of him getting this camera was to jump-start his food photography career. He says it's for that movie stuff he does, but I know the truth.

I've decided we're going to be the next Tastespotting: I make the food, he snaps away. Here we have a lovely breakfast with scrambled eggs, a mélange of stir-fried veggies seasoned with rosemary, decadent molasses raisin-bread, and my own concoction, yogurt filled apple with almonds and a drizzle of maple syrup. Very pretty, very tasty.

Here I am attempting some Apartment Therapy-style photography. Not quite as nice, and not staged enough, but I'd still say it's a pretty cute bedroom!

Now that I see this picture, I wonder if there aren't a few things that should change... the lampshade, I wonder what it would look like with a chevron pattern in grey. I have been wanting to paint the wall behind my bed grey for the longest time. I never get around to asking the landlord if I can or not. I also still have to figure out how to wax my bed.

Today is such a strange and beautiful day. It's grey, but still sunny. A golden-late-afternoon kind of sun.

Yesterday P and I went skating on the mountain. I found these old skates in the backroom and thought I might as well give them a try instead of renting some. Turns out they work perfectly (almost -- they could use a little sharpening). I think i'm going to try to get us out doing sports more often. It's really fun, and I like when P says things like "You skate better than Simon!".

Lately we've been spending almost all our weekends together. It's really nice. It feels sort of like what it would if we lived together. Or, since i've never lived with a boyfriend I don't actually know what that would feel like, but I imagine it's something like this.

I've also been dreaming about what I could so if my apartment went for sale and I could renovate it. Something gorgeous I'm telling you. Breaking down walls, bigger kitchen, more light, expand the balcony, make the bathroom a little bigger. Put two kids in my room (because it has two closets), adults in the double room with fire place, install some kind of closet system there (since there are none now, seal the door between it and the other room, make that an office with the balcony, keep the living-room as is but devote it to cozy couches and chairs. Beautiful!

I don't know what i'll do if I ever have to leave this place. It feels part of the life I wish to have.

Here's a picture I played with in photoshop. I'm not sure if it's an improvement or not... but I like it. I think I made it look like the way I saw it in my mind. The original was much flatter and washed out.


So much creativity! If only I could channel it into my studies...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I've been feeling exceptionally good for the last few days. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it has something to do with being (somewhat) on top of things at school, doing yoga, and trying to eat down-home-simple foods (butternut squash anyone?).

When I got back from the Maritimes I had this crazy tension-pain in my shoulders, and some kind of inability to deal with it with yoga. I was avoiding yoga. Finally I went to a class and had lots of feelings of fear of hurting myself and not wanting to sink into the positions (aka letting go). I've been to a few classes in the last weeks and the tension-pain is gone. Last night I was able to sink in/ let go a little more.

Another fun thing is that I feel really good creatively. The project last weekend, the chair I've found, just the general handy-craft vibe is incredibly satisfying. Also though, perhaps it's getting a bit of recognition from other people for my work. A few tuesdays ago I went to a friend's house to remodel her living room with her. It was super fun and she keeps telling me how much she likes it, tells her friends about it, gets compliments, etc etc. We're thinking of tagging up sometimes during her doula gigs. If she recognizes a home in need of some attention, she might give me a call to come help out. That would be super awesome and nice to do.

I'm also still dabbling with the graphic design and thinking about making some kind of website/blog to keep track of all my files and my evolution.

I've made two tentative posters for the colloquium and i'm unsure which I like best.

The one on the left seems to say 'hello, i'm nice and interesting, you should come to this event if you can make it', whereas the right says 'hey, look at me, come to this thing'.

Something about making posters is incredibly satisfying.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Rack and the Chair

P and I spent the weekend plugging away at a shoe-rack for his hallway. It's too bad we didn't take a 'before' picture, but we did snap a few 'afters'.

Pretty nifty! It's almost like the shoes are floating. It was a design I found on Apartment Therapy that looked like this:

It makes me want to make some for my apartment too, we have just the right space for it.

In the meantime, I "found" an Eames/Herman Miller-style chair in the street tonight. It's in rough shape, but I'm excited with the idea of refinishing it since i've read so many blogs about refinishing them and they always look awesome.

I also baked a chocolate-beet loaf with a friend from school this morning. Surprisingly good!

Also, I just want to say: I've never had a clementine with leaves on it in my life until about one month ago, and it's the best thing i've ever tasted. I will never go back to box clementines!

School is about to kick-start into high gear, all I want to do right now is sleep.

More fun to come.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Ambition

I want to be a design historian someday!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


There is part of me right now that is fuming!

A school association that I am a part of has a student colloquium every year. I was super excited about this. Imagine, students and professors getting together, sharing ideas, moving archival studies forward, pushing their own limits.

We had a meeting in december where we discussed possible themes. I remember the one proposed being a mouthful, and not quite as snappy as it could be. I made a suggestion at the time which, to me, sounded like a better idea (it was Impact: Archival practices and society). Now a few weeks go by and emails are sent out saying the theme is being 'fine tuned' and this is what they come up with: A Variety of Archival Practices and Shifting Achival Paradigms. Now to me, this says: a bunch of stuff being done at a bunch of different times. Basically it says nothing. It's embarrassing.

So, thinking it's no big deal if I remind them of my proposed theme, or at least its structure (ie. choice word with subheading) I write to the group. All too quickly it starts what I can only describe as a shit storm, about work not being appreciated, about disrespect, about bad timing, about this and about that.

I'm thinking, dudes, I didn't question the effort you put into this lame title, I'm questioning whether or not this title is inspiring, or at the very least, saying something. Emails go back and forth and only one other person agreed with me. Hello fish out of water!

The thing that bugs me is that this colloquium has so much potential of saying something, but these guys are setting such low standards (perfectly exemplified by their speakers list -- professor at UQAM, really?).

There's part of me that think this lack of creativity on the part of the organizers is a symptom of a larger problem that is the lack of leadership in archival studies. These people have such an awesome opportunity to say something, but they don't. They are conservativeness personified.

I said something in one email like "wouldn't a colloquium titled Archives and Politics be cool and inspiring!?" and the response I got was 'nobody would want to speak at a colloquium with that topic'. I don't know if i'm more upset about this response, or the fact that it might be true.

I am really trying to find the compassion in this situation, to let go, and not get caught up in who's right and who's wrong, but it's really hard.

Comparing the conference to the one in Toronto is another thing. They are in their third year (we are in our forth) and they have a much more dynamic and exciting format and topic.

Thinking about this stuff is depressing. Thinking about wanting to change things is depressing. Thinking about the status quo is depressing.

I would like to think about taking over for next year, but I think i'm a lone soldier and no-one would support me in my journey...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Internal Conflict

I'm having huge conflicts in myself about what to invest in (with my hypothetical money, of course). My interest in furniture is really blossoming, and particularly for locally-made or ecologically-friendly pieces which tend to be on the pricey side.

There's part of me that believes investing in furniture, clothing, or even art, is vain and materialistic. Then there's the other part of me that just wants to be surrounded by carefully crafted, beautiful things -- everything from furniture to cutlery.

Something outside of me says that investing in experiences, such as trips, is more reasonable, or have a longer positive impact. But then again I think "hey, sitting in a fabulous chair every night can also have an awesome impact!" Particularly when it looks like this Olivier Desroches chair:

With a nice throw blanket and a good book; what's not to love!?

There is this other idea floating around in my head about patience, carefully assembling collections... but, it takes so much time to 'fall on' a great piece. Thrifting takes devotion!

Anybody out there have thoughts on this?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Strange Things People Say

We had a goodbye party this weekend at P's place for one of his friends (and I made the best playlist of my life). His friend's girlfriend, whom I've seen many many times, but never actually talked to struck up a conversation with me at some point.

It started harmlessly enough, but then turned a little bit strange. She wanted to know what I really thought of P's mom, because she has interacted with her over the many years she's been around and over that period of time, has formulated her own views. The way I see it, his Mama is very complicated to me. So generous and giving, but sometimes it seems to veil high expectations which often creates high pressure situations. I'm pretty easy going with her. I don't have a strong personality in the same way that this girl does, so I suppose that makes things easier for me. I usually feel like because she does so much for me, I should basically do whatever she wants me to do. She never asks for the Moon or anything, but maybe just a higher level of energy than I usually float on.

Since P and I are still in a young relationship, this kind of thing can go on and on as she pleases. I suppose the tricky part comes (as with anyone) when kids enter the picture. I'd be curious to see how that plays out, should it ever happen.

But the weird thing that made me want to post today is this thing the girl said: "You know, it seems like P's really in it with you. The relationship will only end if you decide it has to." Or something to this effect.

I really don't know how to interpret this. I'm not sure I believe it. But frankly, I just find it a really weird thing to say! So much so that I'm not really sure how I feel about the statement.

Am I somehow supposed to be happy? Am I supposed to feel in control?

It's just too weird. It's like saying to someone that they've succeeded in whipping their boyfriend. That their boyfriend is somehow their property now.

I don't want to whip anyone, or to own anyone. Or to be whipped or owned.

In other news: a children's book about Audrey Hepburn -- how about that!


I like the part when he talks about how there's no common style thread anymore, how anything goes, and how attitudes change over time. I was wondering if where we were going fashion-wise in this new decade, since the last one was a recycling of previous ones. I guess not knowing is okay too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Long-distance Relationship

This table makes me faint.

I think I'm in love.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

All Coming Together

I haven't posted for a while, that much is obvious.

Lots of things have been happening, few seem meaningful enough to write about.

Basically, November and half of December are a fog to me -- school stress in general. I plugged through my papers and exams and ultimately passed everything. I'm still sort of stunned that everything got done.

One weekend in December, P and I went to his parents' place. It was strange for me, I was overcompensating for something I didn't know at the time. P had been going through some things, some life changes and stresses. We had a conversation and it quickly boiled down to him not knowing if he saw me in his future or not. During the conversation I was strangely calm. I absorbed everything, even though I was hurt. This line sent some insecurities off in me, but also explained a lot of P's recent behavior (a bit distant, a bit less enthusiastic).

We shared a few more moments before I left to go to the Maritimes, and they were always falling short of (let's face it) my expectations. The time that I was at home, I was distracted by all these thoughts in my head. Mostly, I was feeling ashamed. I felt like I've talked to my girlfriends about their relationships and pointed out the moment when they needed to exit a thousand times, but now, I was in this situation, wondering if I was convincing myself of things, wondering if I was in denial about others, and wondering if my relationship would blow up in my face. I regret if i've ever made anyone feel like I knew something they didn't, because clearly, I don't. Now I fully appreciate how a relationship's uniqueness is matched only by the uniqueness of the needs of the ones in it.

I left the trip home earlier than usual to come back and spend new year's with P, and also to potentially talk to him about what I was feeling. I got home, and somehow, everything was fixed. He was really present, attentive, affectionate, enthusiastic and all the other good things I feared had gone away. I didn't want to bring anything up at that time, because I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to say, but I knew it would come back to bite me in the butt. I resolved to bring the issues up at another time.

That time was this past weekend. Another strange comment was made that brought those not-so-old feelings back up to the surface and that did it. I told him everything I could remember from the things I thought before: "when does this future begin? do you understand that it makes me uneasy? what do these comments mean? I feel like you don't really mean them, but they are symptoms of something else. Can't we just take it one day at a time? Etc. etc." I don't remember what was said, but basically it was an honest and open conversation and it made me feel better.

I feel better today, I feel like everything that needed to be said was said, and I understand which parts of this conversation are related to me and which are related to him.

This whole weekend pre-conversation (I kept it until the very last minute, of course), we spent working on one of his projects for his friends. They used to make movies in their teens (several in fact) and he wanted to finish backgrounds in a few and make DVD menus for them all. He asked me if I wanted to design the menus. Of course! Now that i've been equipped with a new laptop (a refurbished macbook, decked out with extra RAM and all the Adobe software I could dream of -- courtesy of sweet P) I was eager to put it to work. It was really fun working side by side. He would teach me a few things, I would show him what I knew, and all in all I think something cool came out of it.

It also gave me a chance to see his skills. He showed me this image, which was a collage of images (a temple, some stairs, some mossy statues, trees, bushes) from all different sources, and throughout the day he just photoshopped the whole thing into one image. It looked real! I was really amazed. Now I don't know how I will ever trust anything I see on film.

In other news, school is better and more interesting this semester which makes me keener to be organized. I had an interview at my dream job (Moment Factory) and I'm pretty sure i've landed an internship for the summer.

I've been working a lot on some graphic stuff for school and work, which is awesome. It's amazing how much energy I have to do this stuff.

I went to yoga tonight for the first time since December -- it was rough. I feel like i've taken 100000 steps back. I'm scared (of hurting myself, or my knees) and tense and not as stretchy... i've got to get back into it and now!

I wish I would've made this poster:

Instead I made this one: