Thursday, September 30, 2010

I want to post!

I want to write something meaningful here so badly, but i'm barely staying afloat in school and too many lovely things are happening around me for me to keep track of!

This is pretty cool.

Slow down world!

(one breath at a time)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I've Finally Done It

I started talking to people. Randomly. Asking them questions. Starting to talk to them assuming they know who I am. One girl I wanted to talk to, she seemed nice and cool and interesting. I did it today. And I asked her name.

This is big for me. I'm breaking the ice, getting a little more comfortable, and it feels kinda good.

Furthermore, I'm really starting to like McGill. There was a protest outside today about the closure of this café called Arch café, which I think is the equivalent of Concordia's café-x (student-run, alternative goodies, organic coffee), so I hope that gets up and running again. Also, the libraries and all the quiet sitting space. Love it. And all the services are really fast! I finally found the farmer's market! Cute!

Things are looking up.

Except for this one thing: one of my profs hasn't gotten back to me about a reference letter I asked him if he would write many months ago... I'm going to freak out if this doesn't work out.

My mom keeps saying : okay, i'm going to ask the universe for this for you. And then she does, and usually it happens. So with her on my side, I'm going to do my own universe-asking and hopefully this stuff will get solidified soon.

In other news, yoga is awesome. Really much harder than I thought. I never realized how much tension I had in my legs. I'm working on stretching that out.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Love chairs

Adl (in email) : boo boop bee doo

(you see it?)

P (in email response) : I see it in you every day!


Heart -> melt.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just had a really strange thought. It's kind of a fear, but a very small one, and probably an irrational one. I just had the thought: 'sometimes P wants to do things that I can't do, that are beyond my abilities (eg. frisbee, team sports in general)' and 'I often want to do simple things (eg. take a walk outside) and after a few walks, his enthusiasm about them dwindles'.

The thought is about his search for adventurous and exciting things, and my preference for quiet, calm activities (which to me are never really the same, or boring, because I really like the idea that no moment is the same as the next).

Like I said, small fear, but I wanted to write it out anyway.

In other news, information science rules!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I stand corrected

There are cute/interesting pictures from the net to post.

Baby in an Eames chair -- Dream!

Four Day Weekend

I was walking from P's place to the metro with a hypersensitivity to sound and smell. The city is so smelly and noisy! Even here, in my bedroom in a quiet neighbourhood, is the sound of some electrical tool brrrr-ing from the alley.

I just spent the most wonderful weekend with P. After a few weeks of feeling mildly disconnected this weekend fixed all that. It also helped that I divulged my insecurities to him last friday. I said I felt a little alone lately. This is obviously not only related to him. I'm trying to be less 'dependant' on friends too.. which means I talk to them less, and see them less, which is hard, to say the least. But I have to stop making them be my safety net and my security blanket all the time (sometimes is okay, of course). After I told him, he immediately called me and we talked about it. I think the issue is more that i'm stressed about school, loans, and all that stuff (still no answer). In reality, I just want someone to sweep all this stuff off my hands and tell me everything will be okay, but I know things don't work that way.

I also have a lingering feeling that being at Mcgill now, and getting 20 emails per day, i'm going to miss something, the key to my future success. I used to check my email obsessively -- now I avoid it at all cost.

I'm looking into a yoga class and I love not having class on tuesdays.

I haven't been spending so much time on blogs, so no interesting pictures...